I have been quite busy these past couple weeks. They have me working forty hours a week and been helping out with getting ready for inventory until September 7th. Which helps me out a lot in regards to getting ready for the feast and its expenses. I am very happy with working more hours. It makes me feel like I am more productive and I can have more of clear and focused mind too. They have been scheduling me 9am-6pm. Its really nice to be able to get evening time off. Sometimes when I get off at ten or eleven at night... it just feels like your day has been wasted away. But, this shift is good for now. Also, all last week they had me work two overnights and three morning shifts. I have never felt sooo drained..... ha. But, I managed. Its very hard to sleep during the day, especially when everyone else is up and there's commotion going on somewhere in the house. Working 8 hours through the night can wear you down if you are not use to it. But, its the experience that counts.
I was also informed that two department manager positions are opened and one of my mangers asked me if I was interested in either one. One is over Housewares and Domestics and the other is over Apparel (infants, men, boys and girls). It definitely something I shouldn't past up on. For one I would get a pay raise, for two its 40 hours a week and with benefits-- Monday through Friday 7-4 and weekends off! I am intrigued by it and feel I could do well and pull it off. However, I am going to have to take the Assessment and past in order to even get an interview in. They tell me when I take the test not to be nice but be more business oriented and professional. Ahh... lol. I started to take the test but I haven't been able to finish it and the WIRE, which the test is posted in, (Walmart's network system) has been down today. I need to get it done!! It has 72 questions. This job would give me the experience of working over sales associates and would give me more challenges. I actually want more challenges and I also like staying active and productive. So, I think the position would definitely be beneficial to me. And I really do think I can handle it. We will see. It doesn't hurt to try and what can I loose?

day, I helped with setting the celebration modular wall. This consisted of setting the assets that pertained to scrapbooking! Scrapbooking is a lot of fun and it makes me want to give it a try again. That and also card-making! When we were at AC working on both the wedding and house binders, I couldn't help but enjoy it! Getting all the material can be a bit pricey and such but that is when your creativity and maintaining a decent budget comes into play. I am wondering what I should start doing my scrapbook on and I thought about photographs. I do enjoy photographs and am thinking about printing out some of my digital ones. And, now taking the time to start is the key.
There needs to be drive in my life. Becoming more assertive, aggressive and having more Faith is definitely something I could work more on.
currently listening: One Republic "Secrets"}
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