On June 19th, 2011, the Spokesman club assembled for their final meeting in Peoria, IL in the central Northeast region. This was a very special occasion because it was not only their final club meeting of the season but it was also a Ladies Gala, where they brought their wives and special dates to the event! The day couldn't have been any better. The men did an exceptional job at putting forth the effort to making the Gala a huge success. And I believe everyone was well pleased. Both the director Mr. Culpepper and his assistant Mr. Cocomise were there to commence the meeting. I had the opportunity of going up and experiencing listening to five different speakers bravely give their speeches. A lot of them were filled with humor and entertainment. All three of the rewards that were given that night were handed out to three men coming from the St. Louis congregation:
1. Jesse Frederick - Most improved Speaker
2. Randy Woemmel - Most Effective Speaker
3. Gerry Frederick - Most Effective Evaluator
Jesse's speech was very informational and gave a speak with purpose speech on "Effective resume writing." This is very beneficial to those that are in demand in finding a job and on the verge to write up a resume. He gave some very helpful tips on being specific in when looking for a job. Narrow your search and pick the company that would best suite you and research them! Really be specific in the position you want to apply for. He also gave another point in adding your skills and accomplishments and really allow them to shine in your resume. Don't be afraid to let the company know your accomplishments and skills in life. They really look at those.
Mr. Woemmel's speech was geared towards "Being a laborer for God's work." He encouraged us to put forth the effort to shine and to be an example to this world by the acts of serving at different fundraisers. This is the way to allowing our light to shine and to really be a light to this dark world. The speech was quite inspiring and very good.
The day overall went very well! Both Mr. Culpepper and Mr. Cocomise ended the meeting with splitting their lecture into two parts giving them both on male christian leadership and how very important and vital a male's role is in the God family!
The delicious food, the fellow-shipping, the speeches, the topics were very good. And I very much enjoyed it. Steven Privratsky asked me to be his date and I happily accepted. I am glad that I had the opportunity to go to one again... for the last time I was at one was down at AC, which was over a year ago.
Time just goes by soo fast. I can't believe I have been home for a year now! I look back, and think, sometimes, what have I really done this year? lol.. Mostly, work. I have been able to get back into some schooling and job searching again... but I guess that can be saved for another blog...
I need to get some sleep... i am tired. Night!!
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