With the hot summer months brewing among us now - it is hard not to get excited for the upcoming summer events people take advantage of: picnics, camping, fishing, eating, reunions, family gatherings, 4th of July, graduations, and the most popular seasonal event-- swimming. As an associate at Walmart, it is our job to deal with these seasonal festivities and make sure we have the merchandise appliances for customers to enjoy at those special occasions. Some people don't realize all the time and effort it does take to display modulars and features so customers can "grab and buy" those certain products.
Yes, the summer months have been busy at Walmart. Which means.... schools out for the summer! Which means... you start to see more and more little kids out and about. Seriously, if I was a mom, out in this world, I would go nuts. lol. To be honest, I have seen the most selfish, brattiest kids within these past couple weeks. I have had kids screaming, yelling, running around in the store like its a playground. And some of them would even hide and crawl around the clothes racks! Its irritating... but, yet, I know my patience is being tested. I can't help but feel sorry for the kids, because they just have no idea, and the poor things have been raised to do whatever they please. You are also seeing more kids having kids and it is discouraging.
There were some nights I have to close up the fitting room and last night was one of them. Well... it was about 15 minutes til 10, and we close at 10, this was the time that several of these teenage girls decide to try on clothes. Trying not to show my impatience, I let them in and finish up tidying everything. As I came back to check on them, after they left, I look inside the rooms and there were the clothes scattered on the floors and also among the seat benches! I was infuriated, but I realized my patience was being tested again. Everyday its been a struggle and I am learning how to deal with things and people. I realize, while just working, you are constantly growing in character. You can be doing a very simple task but your attitude, actions and demeanor is definitely presented in the world and are constantly being tested. I also answer phones too. And how you answer says a lot about yourself as well. We are to make our light shine. It can be a struggle but someone's got to do it! So, have that customer service attitude and the fruits will start to show more!

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