I feel like I am turning into a night owl. And, I don't think its always a good thing either. I have a tendency to stay up and just try to catch up on things: Homework, reading, texting, keeping in touch with people, or just to think. I also feel like I stay up sometimes because I feel I may be missing out on something. Yes, sometimes I will get bombarded with Homework and that will give me an excuse to stay up even more. But, the nights I don't have Homework, I still feel like staying up. Why? maybe because there is a lot to think about...
I notice when you work evening shifts from 2-10 pm or 11pm, it does make it harder to unwind from work once you get home. Yeah, my body might be tired but my mind wants to stay awake. It also harder when you have a ton things swimming in mind. Yes, I admit, I have tendency to worry about things and over the littlest things too. Its a problem I've always had growing up. I like to have a plan and know its precise detail and destination. If there is a situation that pops up I always need to know the who? what? where? and why? Maybe because I feel more secured in that way, knowing. I like to head into something that I know inside and out because it gives me more confidence. But then, how do you grow, overcome and learn from that? Yeah, facing challenges I don't mind,but I need more of them. Maybe, it will help me to face reality even more? Everyday its a battle fighting against this world. I will admit that. There are obstacles that I constantly face but I realize I can't face it alone. I hide them sometimes and that is not always a good thing either. God has been there for me through a lot of things and I thank Him for blessing me in that way. I need to continue to go to Him through everything and keep praying for those out there struggling as well. We are all family and we need to be closer! I sometimes feel people saying they are to 'busy' to talk or write to someone is just a improper excuse. And, we have all used that excuse before. I realize I need to appreciate the friends that I have and cherish them even more -- to be there, to encourage, when they are down and to uplift. Its just to precious of a gift to give up on.
So, yeah, as I am sitting here in the middle of the night, I can't help but think and to ponder on these things. I thought I might share some of my thoughts with you. And tell you how much I appreciate knowing you all! So, have a wonderful week! :)
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