Thursday, August 25, 2011
News of the day...
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Walmart, Scrapbooking and Drive
I was also informed that two department manager positions are opened and one of my mangers asked me if I was interested in either one. One is over Housewares and Domestics and the other is over Apparel (infants, men, boys and girls). It definitely something I shouldn't past up on. For one I would get a pay raise, for two its 40 hours a week and with benefits-- Monday through Friday 7-4 and weekends off! I am intrigued by it and feel I could do well and pull it off. However, I am going to have to take the Assessment and past in order to even get an interview in. They tell me when I take the test not to be nice but be more business oriented and professional. Ahh... lol. I started to take the test but I haven't been able to finish it and the WIRE, which the test is posted in, (Walmart's network system) has been down today. I need to get it done!! It has 72 questions. This job would give me the experience of working over sales associates and would give me more challenges. I actually want more challenges and I also like staying active and productive. So, I think the position would definitely be beneficial to me. And I really do think I can handle it. We will see. It doesn't hurt to try and what can I loose?

There needs to be drive in my life. Becoming more assertive, aggressive and having more Faith is definitely something I could work more on.
{currently listening: One Republic "Secrets"}
Saturday, August 13, 2011
I really miss the sand beneath my feet!
I really do miss the sand....
I recently had the most amazing opportunity of visiting with my former AC classmate: Vanessa Skinner. I never been to the eastern coast before and once I was invited to go see her and her family, I couldn't give up on this wonderful experience. Something was pulling me to g
My plane landed at the Dulles International airport right outside of Washington DC. Vanessa and her mom came and picked me up and then we drove on over their home in West Virginia, which was settled in the beautiful Appalachian Mountains.
They attend services in Maryland, which is about 1 hour and half drive from the Skinner home. You have people from Maryland, Virgina and West Virginia coming to services. The people are very funny and nice - very down to earth folk. They really make you feel welcomed and seem to care a lot for you and your interests. Its amazing where ever you go, God's people are there to take care of you - even if you may have met them for the very first time.
Early Sunday morning we took our trip OBX (Outer Banks) beach in North Carolina. The Outer Banks is a chain of barrier islands stretching along the Atlantic coast. Little more than strips of shifting sand, these islands are sandwiched between the Atlantic Ocean on the east and
The lighthouses give a symbol to the Outer Banks. They help the sailors navigate along the hazardous coast. Many of the islands that make up the Outer banks: Currituck Beach, Bodie Island, Cape Hatteras, and Okracoke Island. Okcracoke Island is known for the famous pirate Edward Teach "Blackbeard." Time does move slowly on the Island- a short ferry rides across the Hatteras Intel. It is a blend of artist studios and galleries, cafes and fishing boats. Its such an amazing and beautiful Island to spend an entire day.
We ended up spending three days on the beach and Wednesday night, Aug the 10th, was when I flew back home. It was quite an memorable experience and I was sad to leave. I really do miss the east coast already, but it does give me a nice idea to what its like over there. The sand was nice and white and the beaches seemed fairly cleaned and well kept. I was impressed. The sense of walking barefooted in the sand was a nice because its something I don't do very often. It was great spending time with the Skinner family and getting to know them. I haven't seen Vanessa in awhile and it was great catching up on things and spending time together.
Overall, I had a wonderful time and now I am back to working and reality again, but soon the feast will be here and I am definitely looking forward to that! I can hardly wait!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Captain America Saves the Day!!

"Do you fondue?" quote from this year's summer hit: Captain America.
Recently, I had the opportunity to see the summer blockbuster hit: Captain America. I have to admit that I thoroughly enjoyed it and it held my interest through the duration of about two hours and ten minutes. It’s a fine example of the summer blockbuster type of movie, and you can certainly go see it and take away nothing more than the simple enjoyment of this kind of movie. Its grounded in real action, real performances, mostly practical effects and not overly CGI. To me, its fun, funny, accessible and entertaining - something that's nice to see for a blockbuster summer hit.
So, are you wanting to watch a movie that is worth your time and money? Go see Captain America! Its nice to say that “Captain American” is totally its own movie, that stands apart from most of the other big budget action movies these days that seem to borrow from their predecessors. The action is the perfect amount and very well done – comic book-esque, but not over-the-top. I enjoyed the third installment of Transformers, but I thought there was just way to much over-the-top/jam-packed action, that never was going to end.
The effects that made Steve (the kid that turns into the massive Captain America) scrawny were quite impressive in the beginning of the movie. Acting was also pretty decent. One can not but admire the famous "Tommy Lee Jones." I also liked their selection of cast members, the comic relief and the characters. Overall, the movie was pretty awesome and I would say its one of my favorite Superhero movies next to "Spiderman."
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Heat, Swimming and Work

These past summer days have been very hot and humid with the heat index up to around 115 degrees, which means I have not been outside very much. Its resulted by not getting that nice summer tan that I had last year and the year before. :( I really do miss swimming and laying outside to get that nice vitamin D beaming upon my skin. Its discouraging not being able to go a local lake or swimming pool and to allow the nice warm sun rays to shine upon my face. When I was down at AC, I remember trying, during the summer months, to go for a nice, cool/refreshing swim. Oh how I miss that pool... lol. The dark aqua marine pool was so inviting - it was nice a refresher after a long hot 8 hour shift. But, I have been trying to stay positive about this heat. Its bearable and it could be worse too. Oh well..
My week has also been busier work wise than usual. They have me working a full 40 hours this week and over at the O'fallon, IL store. They are remodeling parts of the store and been acquiring assistance with associates from other stores to come and enjoy the fun of putting up shelves, modular setting, pricing, signing and doing all kinds of whirlwind rearranging. Its a process but it keeps myself busy and occupied. So, I don't mind it. Plus, I also get paid for gas mileage, so I am not complaining at all. It will definitely help me in regards to earning more money and to try and save some, especially for the upcoming feast of tabernacles in England! I am so excited about it! I can hardly wait.
Anyway, I am going to keep this kind a short tonight. I am tired and need to get some sleep soon. I will write more later. Just wanted to keep you a little posted to whats been happening. Goodnight!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Traveling Back in Time
So, I happen to get on Peacefulstorms this week to keep updated with all the fun and excitement going on with this year's PYC and I can't help but reminiscence back to my very first camp! I look at those pictures on that website, and realize, when I was a camper, most of the those kids were babies, toddlers or some of them may not have been born yet! Wow, time does really fly!!
My first camp was back in 1998 --13 years ago! And it was not on God's property but over in Guthier, Oklahoma... in very rustic looking dorm, with written confetti all over the walls. I was 14 years old. Looking at those peacefulstorm pictures made me think off all the events that happened in those packed filled 2 weeks. All the new friends I have made, kept in touch with, but also the ones that left the church. It saddens me that a lot of them are not here today and obeying God. But, its neat to cogitate on the ones that stayed with it and now are being blessed tremendously to this very day. Camp in 1998 was a blast because our dorm became so close. We all started out very quiet and shy towards one another. But once a few days broke out, our dorm transformed within two weeks and we won "Girl's dorm of the Session." The experience was just so edifying. My counselor at the time was Erin Macdonald (was Leap) an Assistant Kristine Orleans (was Klotz). Both very down to earth and enthusiastic about teaching us to live according to God's way of life. They helped me to come more out of my shell too. I was super shy back then. It was such a wonderful time meeting people and getting to know the campers.
The activities at PYC 98 were pretty much the same as they are today. But, we also had water skiing as one of our sports -- and I actually enjoyed it! Cycling, on the other hand, was a bit of challenge for me that year and ended up falling off my bike and rolled off the winding dirt trail. Thankful, that I did not get seriously injured or hurt. I will never forget how terrified I was. The trail comprised of steep hills, tall trees, massive rocks and Oklahoma red clay cliffs. But, it was still an fun filled experience that I will not forget. Softball, I would say was my favorite sport. I still enjoy it to this very day. I have been looking through my old journal notebook, written around the time of camp, and this is what I said, " Camp teaches you about family. When Christ returns we will all be together in unity. Camp was so much fun but it went by so fast. But, I am excited I had this chance to go and hope there will be many more in the future."
Yeah, it was definitely something I will not forget and pray for those teenagers out at headquarters to really make camp their all. To not give up when obstacles come along the way and to put God first and foremost in their life!.. Because things are a lot harder than they were 13 years ago! So, keep up the fiery vision.
Also, while going through some of my old camp photos and written journals, I can't help but find some childhood family photos that I decide to happily share. I like to occasionally look at old photos as a way of reflecting back into time and discerning all the past memorable experiences we have been through in all good times! Enjoy!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
The night owl in me, a thought and appreciation

I feel like I am turning into a night owl. And, I don't think its always a good thing either. I have a tendency to stay up and just try to catch up on things: Homework, reading, texting, keeping in touch with people, or just to think. I also feel like I stay up sometimes because I feel I may be missing out on something. Yes, sometimes I will get bombarded with Homework and that will give me an excuse to stay up even more. But, the nights I don't have Homework, I still feel like staying up. Why? maybe because there is a lot to think about...
I notice when you work evening shifts from 2-10 pm or 11pm, it does make it harder to unwind from work once you get home. Yeah, my body might be tired but my mind wants to stay awake. It also harder when you have a ton things swimming in mind. Yes, I admit, I have tendency to worry about things and over the littlest things too. Its a problem I've always had growing up. I like to have a plan and know its precise detail and destination. If there is a situation that pops up I always need to know the who? what? where? and why? Maybe because I feel more secured in that way, knowing. I like to head into something that I know inside and out because it gives me more confidence. But then, how do you grow, overcome and learn from that? Yeah, facing challenges I don't mind,but I need more of them. Maybe, it will help me to face reality even more? Everyday its a battle fighting against this world. I will admit that. There are obstacles that I constantly face but I realize I can't face it alone. I hide them sometimes and that is not always a good thing either. God has been there for me through a lot of things and I thank Him for blessing me in that way. I need to continue to go to Him through everything and keep praying for those out there struggling as well. We are all family and we need to be closer! I sometimes feel people saying they are to 'busy' to talk or write to someone is just a improper excuse. And, we have all used that excuse before. I realize I need to appreciate the friends that I have and cherish them even more -- to be there, to encourage, when they are down and to uplift. Its just to precious of a gift to give up on.
So, yeah, as I am sitting here in the middle of the night, I can't help but think and to ponder on these things. I thought I might share some of my thoughts with you. And tell you how much I appreciate knowing you all! So, have a wonderful week! :)
Monday, July 4, 2011
Reminiscing past poems and quotes

For the love of summer:
Nov 27, 2001
A special sweet scent over flows the air
A scent of Summer's delight:
where the air is warm and the sea is calm.
It gives a perfect setting - beauty!
A bird gives its lovely tune on each a summer day,
giving it's beautiful harmony voice.
Every morning when I awake, I see kids
playing in the mist of summer air.
High o'ver vales, beneath the green trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the noon breeze.
Children play among those summer hills;
Smiling giddly, as they play.
From leaf to leaf; tis sweet on high.
Lovely aroma smells of roses rule the air.
With a spray of some mist.....
views a perfect setting of a sweet Summer's MistThe person I long to be….
September 14, 2007
The day light breaks again
Another day has begun.
But still no sleep has come.
My body is weary
My mind overworked.
I lie awake thinking
But what I am unsure.
I need to break free from the cycle I endure.
Everyday is the same and the nights are undistinguished.
I feel as though I am being pushed along with the tide
Unable to break free from the everyday flow.
This is not me I need to change, before time takes over
And I am unable to change.
I need to be freed from the grasp of ordinary
And become that person I have always longed for.
Express myself in every way, and conquer the dreams as I lie awake.
Then I may fall asleep and put my mind to rest.
Make changes in my life and help those in need.
I would like to touch everyone's life in a positive way
And leave my mark on society before I fade away.